Sunday, November 27, 2022

Reflecting on Psalm 19: The Law of Nature, Phenomenological Language, and Duality (II)

Returning to the question of double-truth, it might be argued that such dualities, paradoxes, or dynamics (which are so problematic to many) are the result of a severance which occurred with the Edenic Fall. On the one hand these inconsistencies and living contradictions (if that's what they are in fact) present a dilemma, but one that is solved with the eschaton, when all such tensions and dynamics are removed and with the reconciliation that occurs – the ultimate unity or holistic reality we seek, will become manifest in Christ. As such any kind of duality is not something inherent in the world but a sundering, a tragic result of sin.

Reflecting on Psalm 19: The Law of Nature, Phenomenological Language, and Duality (I)

Psalm 19 presents some interesting challenges to those who make the case for natural law or those who insist on a literalistic interpretation of the Biblical text. By literalistic we here refer to an interpretation of phenomena in a Baconian sense – one that must accord with scientific laws and empirical observations.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim, and the Antediluvian Prophets

While recently reviewing a Bible study dealing with some antediluvian topics, I also happened to be reading through the Epic of Gilgamesh, something I had only perused in times past.