Thursday, December 15, 2022

Psalm 73 and New Testament Apostasy

This psalm is well known by many for the words of comfort it provides regarding the plight of the believer in the world and the abiding sense of injustice that can gnaw away at us if we let it. The wicked flourish and the righteous always seem to suffer and lose.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Reflecting on Psalm 19: The Law of Nature, Phenomenological Language, and Duality (II)

Returning to the question of double-truth, it might be argued that such dualities, paradoxes, or dynamics (which are so problematic to many) are the result of a severance which occurred with the Edenic Fall. On the one hand these inconsistencies and living contradictions (if that's what they are in fact) present a dilemma, but one that is solved with the eschaton, when all such tensions and dynamics are removed and with the reconciliation that occurs – the ultimate unity or holistic reality we seek, will become manifest in Christ. As such any kind of duality is not something inherent in the world but a sundering, a tragic result of sin.

Reflecting on Psalm 19: The Law of Nature, Phenomenological Language, and Duality (I)

Psalm 19 presents some interesting challenges to those who make the case for natural law or those who insist on a literalistic interpretation of the Biblical text. By literalistic we here refer to an interpretation of phenomena in a Baconian sense – one that must accord with scientific laws and empirical observations.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim, and the Antediluvian Prophets

While recently reviewing a Bible study dealing with some antediluvian topics, I also happened to be reading through the Epic of Gilgamesh, something I had only perused in times past.